Why TOV?

As growing numbers of Americans incorporate the TOV Standard and Values System in their lives and create Values-Based Relationships with others who share core values, they will become the Co-Creators of a New Reality much more inclusive one. 

Values are things that humans do acts to gain and/or keep. The thing humans want to hold on to the most is Life. Survival is hardwired into every cell of the human body. Failure to Protect Life may result in serious injuries or death. Failure to Preserve Life, Make Life More Functional and/or Increase the Quality of Life results in the failure of Experiencing Life as it is intended to be lived according to the TOV Standard.

The Values people hold are reflected in the ways they do things, the ways they act, the ways they speak, the ways they think, and the ways they behave. Values play major roles in Self-Control and Self-Discipline, or the lack thereof. Ultimately, Values determine how humans view themselves, view others and affect choices about who they will or will not have relationships with and the level of commitment in those relationships.

In historical term, until very recently the primary sources of Values were Tribes and Religions. But, with the rise of Science, Capitalism and democracatic thought, tribal and religious authority and beliefs have been increasingly challenged. Institutions and beliefs that from the founding of the nation exerted a great deal of influence in America and been the glue that held Americans together, are breaking down and losing influence. A growing and pressing challenge facing Americans today is to find a new glue that can hold the cornerstone Value of America -- “We the People." America is rapidly becoming a nation "Me" the Consumers“ who demand their rights from the government, while seemingly being completely unaware of their responsibilities as Citizens and the fact that they are the government. What happens if the "WE" becomes a thing of the past? Who will govern American then?

We believe that as more people become empowered by understanding their political, economic and religious heritages and knowledge about the TOV Standard and Values System, they will become that glue. Millions of Americans are ready for a New Reality because they do not like what’s happening today and are ready for things to change. But, those changes will not begin until Americans change their standards and values. When Americans incorporate the TOV Standard into their lives, and Life becomes their highest value, they start asking questions like these:

(1) Whose lives will be protected?

(2) Whose lives will be destroyed?

(3) Whose lives will be preserved?

(4) Whose lives will be threatened?

(5) Whose lives will become more functional?

(6) Whose lives will be made less functional?

(7) Whose quality of life will be improved?

(8) Whose quality of life will be diminished?

(9) Who will pay for it?

(10) Who will profit from it?